Monday, April 23, 2012

Module 5 and 4: The hydrosphere and the wonder of water

I'm rearranging the order of the book (again) to make the flow of ideas a little better. We have already covered clouds and cloud formation, so we will skip that part and talk about the water cycle and what is so unusual about water. At the end of the week we will talk about groundwater, because that will bridge nicely into the lithosphere.

Monday: Hydrosphere and water cycle. Watch Magic School Bus and do worksheets on water cycle. Module 5
Tuesday: Properties of water experiments and worksheets. Module 4
Wednesday: Properties of water experiments and worksheets. Bending water experiment.
Thursday: Glacier video
Friday: Understanding groundwater video. Build an aquifer in a cup.
The aquifer in a cup is a great activity.

The groundwater video is a little hard to understand.

We did this experiment from the properties of water link in the resource section below, comparing the heat properties of different liquids.
We heated 40 ml of alcohol, 40 ml of oil and 40 ml of water and graphed the temperature while they were being heated to the boiling point and then cooled. We did this using a vernier stainless steel thermometer and a go link plugged into the computer and graphed with logger lite software. The kids loved it. They could actually see the difference between the two liquids in their ability to heat up hold heat.Unfortunately, when I heated the oil, I lost my heat sensor.

This is what alcohol looked like.

This is what water looked like.

This is oil. You can tell right where I burned out my temperature sensor.


The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs

I really like this link because it ties the properties of water to the hydrosphere.

Wonderful explanation of the properties of water part 1

Understanding Groundwater parts 1 and 2

Bill Nye and the Water Cycle

Magic School Bus and Wet all Over

The hydrosphere for younger children

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