Sunday, April 15, 2012

Module 8: Weather and It's Prediction

Here we are. Sunday night and I'm still working on lesson plans... The material doesn't look that hard. I will probably ask the study questions as we go along rather than assigning them as homework. Check out the cyberspace videos for the younger set. 
The book is unclear as to where lightning starts. The flash actually starts at the ground first and travels to the cloud. See Nova video.

My grandfather, who was a farmer, told me that if there is no dew on the ground, it will probably rain. I have found this to be a pretty accurate indicator.

If your weather data collecting is incomplete and/or inadequate you can get the data you need from the weather data link listed below. Kids tend not to collect the most accurate data:) 

Keep recording weather all days. See weather chart in previous post.
 Monday: All reading from Exploring Creation with Physical Science. Read pp. 181-189. Resources Precipitation video and hail video.
 Tuesday: Read pp.190-197
 Wednesday: Study questions 1-13. Cyberchase video.
 Thursday: Study questions 14-24. Hunt for the Supertwister.
 Friday: Experiment 8.2 using weather data to predict the weather.


Best lightning video from Discovery

What makes thunder?


How hail is formed

PBS Cyberchase episodes that have to do with weather

Watch full cyberchase video about tracking storms

Watch Nova's Hunt for the Super Twister full episode

Link to Nova short film on lightning

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